This GWHA website is still being updated so please bear with us - we are now challenged by the densification movements by the Provincial Government and our Large Lot Bylaw in Gordon Woods has been challenged. We are currrently appealing that Decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal and we have the City's backing - we will be reporting in more detail including further actions, and a neighbourhood meeting in the early future, so please keep posted.
The Gordon Woods Homeowners’ Association was incorporated in July 1977 with a mandate to preserve the character of our residential community: to maintain our trees, our wildlife and the tranquility of our neighbourhood. The residents united to address issues such as the high volume of traffic through our streets and the protection of our neighbourhood from indiscriminate land development.
If you want to drop the Board a line you can always contact us!
GWHA Purpose
To provide value to the Gordown Woods community and its residents through representation and advocacy with all levels of government regarding the concerns related to the welfare of the
neighbourhood. We believe that residents of Gordon Woods are entrusted with a unique ecological environment and we are duty bound to protect it for future generations.