The OMB Hearing for 2167 Gordon Drive is complete.  We are $6,000 away from our goal!!!  Legal Defence Fund Needs Your Support!!!  We need to pay the final bills!

To All Gordon Woods Residents - RESPOND ASAP - We still needs funds to protect your investment!!!



The Applicant has been successful in this Appeal however the Board has imposed certain conditions on the plan before implementation.  Obviously the pre-settlement with the City was a critical aspect of this Hearing and while we are disappointed in the approval of this seven lot plan, we can take considerable pride in our appeal of this proposal which is in the very heart of our Community.  The OMB thoroughly canvassed the environmental issues of the plan and has approved same however the Applicant went to some lengths of retaining environmental consultants and arborists to propose a number of initiatives that will make the Development compatible with our beautiful natural area.  Specifically the OMB states that:


“ the Appellant’s scientific data as contained in the environmental reports and subsequent December 2014 updates on file, reflect the seriousness with which the Appellant took the City’s recommendations and the Appellant complied by providing some of the most rigorous and comprehensive scientific and environmental evidence this Member has seen for a private application such as this.”


A lot of this work was done by the Applicant in November and December 2014 in preparation for our Appeal proceedings. The OMB also states that:


“ the settlement reflects sensitive development vis-à-vis the ecological condition of the subject lands that requires a minimal number of trees to be removed but replaced with more intensive tree planting and re-planting as well as maintaining the property’s  peripheral tree canopy and ground cover to the extent possible to reflect the verdant nature of the neighbourhood. “


While the end result is not entirely what we desired, we are hopeful that our efforts on behalf of the Gordon Woods area will be appreciated by the community and will ensure that future development in our area takes these added steps of environmental overviews as part of normal requirements in a residential woodland area.


GWHA Executive

OMB Decision issued February 19, 2015 re[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
2014 GWHA Defense Fund Contribution Form[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [221.6 KB]
Value of Your Home is in Danger_Oct 2014[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [222.3 KB]
Proposed Site Plan Drawing (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [536.7 KB]





Meeting RE Grange/Hurontario Condo Development


File Download


When:  October 26, 2015

Time:   7 pm

Location:  Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 city Centre Drive


Applicant proposes 32 storey and 25 storey condo and 49 townhomes.  Support in attendance is needed.


Grange Hurontario Condo Development - Meeting
Adobe Acrobat document [463.6 KB]
Grange Hurontario Condo Development - Meeting
Adobe Acrobat document [463.6 KB]



To All Gordon Woods Residents


Right now developers are threatening the character of the Woods.  The immediate threat is to create nine substandard lots out of one in the centre core of Gordon Woods on the east side of Gordon Drive by way of a cul-de-sac and condo road (see attached site plan proposal).  If this one is successful, what’s next?


This is why the Gordon Woods Homeowners Association is going to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in January 2015 to oppose this severance and rezoning to condominium status on Gordon Drive.  To do so we need to be represented by knowledgeable, credible, experienced and respected counsel and planners.  But it is expensive - at least $60,000.00.


We are asking that you once again show that you care and contribute a small fraction of the value of your home to the Gordon Woods Defence fund to help protect its value.  1/20th of one percent of $1.2M is $600.00.  Some residents have already demonstrated their strong commitment and support by contributing thousands of dollars each.  We were successful at the OMB in 2008 – let’s do it again!


Unless the residents show commitment by contributing sufficient funds for this effort the GWHA will be unable to continue to protect our precious community.   If you care, please contribute now.  In order to engage legal counsel, we need to receive your commitment by November 5, 2014.


Attached is a more detailed explanation of the situation, a plan of the proposed development and a donation form.


A representative of the Gordon Woods Homeowners Association will be contacting you by phone or in person to follow up shortly.


GWHA Executive

Value of Your Home is in Danger_Oct 2014[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [222.3 KB]
Proposed Site Plan Drawing.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [536.7 KB]
2014 GWHA Defense Fund Contribution Form[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [221.6 KB]

Committee of Adjustment Letters

The following are letters send by GWHA to the Committee of Adjustment.  The GWHA responds to the C of A outlining our requirement that the Cooksville Plan be supported, all ByLaws are enforced, and the unique character of the neighbourhood is protected.

Gordon Drive Development


The City Planner Report is now available and will be presented to the Planning & Develppment Committee on Monday March 24th at 7 pm at the City Hall Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor.  We strongly encourage all residents to attend this meeting and continue to show your support for the GWHA position.  This is the time that Council will vote on this matter.  We encourage you to read the report to get a sense of where things are going. 

2167 Gordon Drive Development
CofA re Raffi Properties Mar 24, 2014.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.2 MB]

Call to Action

Dear Residents,


Your Board has been hard at work with regards to the infill development of 2167 Gordon Drive and the proposed 9 homes on a condominium road for this property.  We have engaged the expertise of a planner to obtain an opinion as to what might constitute a reasonable development proposal for this property.  As mentioned at our Annual General Meeting last month, infill is a fact of life and something we will be unable to avoid.  However, we wish to ensure that we have the best use of the land under the circumstances.


It is of the utmost importance that the Planning Department also hear from individual homeowners as well as the GWHA Board.  Michael Hynes, the City Planner in charge of this file wants to hear from residents.  We need you to contact Michael (905-615-3200 x5525 / and inform him that you support the efforts and communication of the GWHA.  We encourage you to add additional comments as you see fit; to share your views on the proposed development – but indication of your support of the GWHA is also very important.  More information on this property can be found on our website at   


Kindly submit your comments to Michael by January 10, 2014 - a copy to would be most appreciated.


Open Letter to the Mayor and Councillors regarding Heritage Tree Destruction
Heritage Tree Destruction in Gordon Wood[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [243.3 KB]
GWHA Deputation re 2167 Gordon Drive - 2013
GWHA Deputation to Planning Committee 20[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [1.2 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [902.1 KB]
Public Meeting for 2167 Gordon Drive.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [456.4 KB]
2167 Gordon Dr - Proposed Site Plan
Site Plan[1].pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [396.2 KB]
Notice for 2167 Gordon Drive Proposed Zoning
Notice - 2167 Gordon Drive 20120320.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [515.1 KB]
GWHA Response to Proposed Zoning for 2167 Gordon Drive
File OZ 12-002 2167 Gordon Dr GWHA Respo[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [61.1 KB]

Grange Dr. and Hurontario Development

GWHA Deputation November 19, 2012
GWHA Deputation to Planning Committee 20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [849.9 KB]
Audio File of Deputation & Council Response
The quality of this audio file is not excellent
Deputation Recording_2012-11-19-195022.m[...]
MP4 video/audio file [41.9 MB]
City Corporate Report
This report on the City position will be presented to the Planning and Development Committee on November 19, 2012.
Mississauga Corporate Report Item04OZ120[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.9 MB]

The GWHA is aware of the proposed rezoning and development of the Grange and Hurontario lands that directly affect our community.  Residents are encouraged to visit this section of the website for communications and developments.

Notice of Public Meeting - Planning and Development Committee
All residents are asked to attend this meeting on November 19, 2012. The GWHA will make a presentation regarding this proposed development, and we need your support in person.
GordonWoods publicnotice_0Z12.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [83.2 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [12.3 MB]
13-11-6210 Ph.1 ESA HurontarioGrange 201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [23.7 MB]
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030579 FSR.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.2 MB]
Acoustical final Edenshaw Hurontario and[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]
Archaeological Assessment Stage 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.0 MB]
CONCEPT PLAN-full size.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.1 MB]
CONTEXT PLAN-full size.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [867.0 KB]
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IBI Shadow Study - March 5.pdf
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OMB Decisions - Gordon Woods

GW-May 5 2008 OMB Decision - 2182 Gordon[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
GW-OMB Decsion-2114 Parkerr -May-17-2011[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [154.1 KB]
OMB Decision 2116 Autumn Breez South 199[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [467.6 KB]
OMB Lawrie Appeal Lot 17 Parker and Isab[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [152.3 KB]

Variance Requests

CofA Decision044.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [157.7 KB]
CofAApplication 2244 Gordon Dr Dec13_201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [371.3 KB]
CofA A520-12 GWHA Response.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [185.0 KB]
2192 Parker Dr 2012 CofA Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [99.5 KB]
CofA File A 280-12 2192 Parker Drive 201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [122.6 KB]
Decision 2012
CofA Decision 2192 Parker 2012.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [919.9 KB]
2155 Gordon Drive 2012 CofA Application.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [101.8 KB]
CofA File A 289-12 2155 Gordon Drive 201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [137.3 KB]
CofA File A 59-12 2122 Gordon Drive 2012[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [244.0 KB]
Cof A Decision 2122 Gordon Drive
Decision CofA 2122 Gordon Drive.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [182.0 KB]
CofA File A 394-11 2249 Gordon Drive 201[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [107.6 KB]
CofA Decision for 2249 Gordon Drive
CofA Decision 2249 Gordon Dr.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [330.1 KB]

OMB Reform

There is discussion regarding OMB reform in the province.  TOPCA is keeping an updated page on the various goings on and you can get updates here