Mississauga Residents and Ratepayers Association



MIRANET is the City-wide network of Ratepayer and Residents’ Associations in Mississauga, Ontario Canada.   MIRANET is an all-volunteer effort.


Residents of Mississauga have four (4) levels of government, and are additionally subject to issues affecting the entire GTA  (Greater Toronto Area).  Mississauga itself is a collection of long-established communities which have their own localized concerns and priorities to keep local residents’ associations very  active!


Our intention is to work collectively in a positive and constructive manner with the City and other levels of government to promote the interests of Mississauga residents and contribute to the City's success.


Our network model encourages distributed leadership and ongoing cooperation among residents' groups in order to exchange timely information, share best practices and foster community engagement in the public decision-making process.


Individual residents' groups continue to work with their Ward Councillors and other elected representatives as usual, but the City-wide issues involve all Councillors, and all citizens, and we will help the work of the City by consolidating our input, where and when we can.  We have an open, research-oriented process designed to inform and confirm consensus among all groups before officially taking a united position on any issue.


The MIRANET website has been established to track important City-wide issues and support communication.  This developing website is a window into the goals and activities of the network, and an index to major issues.  Not only is the website designed to provide citizen-oriented support for residents’ groups, but it is evolving to be a resource for any resident of the City looking to join, or even start, a residents’ association.


MIRANET is registered with the City of Mississauga through the Volunteer Group Register.